1. Provides nutrients to the liver and brain
2. Supports liver health, helps fat and sugar metabolism and detoxification
3. Supports nervous system and cognitive function
4. Helps kidney, cardiovascular and brain health
5. Helps improve body immune and delay aging
Online shopping and delivery services are provided by Ozakka, the strategic partner of Love+. If you click “Buy Now”, you will be redirected to the ozakka.com website, so please feel free to use it.
1. Provides nutrients for the liver and brain to improve their functions
2. Promotes liver health, helps fat and sugar metabolism and detoxification
3. Supports nervous system and cognitive function
4. Supports kidney and cardiovascular health
5. Helps improve body defence system
Exercise is closely related to the health. A healthy liver can also improve health and exercise capacity. LiverOK provides nutrition for the liver and slows down aging. Clinical evidence shows that LiverOK SPC (silymarin plus phosphatidylcholine and vitamin E ) has synergistic effect to protect the liver and nourish the heart and brain more effectively.
SPC (liver phospholipid 300mg, silymarin 100mg, vitamin E 5mg) (contains soybeans)
Direction to use:
Maintenance: One capsule 1 or 2 times a day.
Concern heath of liver, level of blood glucose, fats and toxins: take one or two capsules three times a day.
Children, people taking long term medication or pregnant should consult doctor first.
Country of origin: USA
Net Weight: 120 capsules / bottle
Best before (Y/M/D): Three years (36 months)
Storage Method: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place
Disclaimer :
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Online shopping and delivery services are provided by Ozakka, the strategic partner of Love+. If you click “Buy Now”, you will be redirected to the ozakka.com website, so please feel free to use it.
Special retail outlets: Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium, Healthworks, Health Aims, HKTV Mall
(Updated from time to time, please call 852-2715 1722 for enquiries)
Below are some related frequently asked questions for reference.
支肝健SPC因子 (肝膦脂300mg、乳薊素100mg、天然維他命E 5mg),授權美國GMP廠製造。
1. 乳薊素(乳薊賓)是乳薊種子精華,是市場上主要和較多研究的護肝草本補充劑。
2. 磷脂酰膽鹼(PC),人體必需的磷脂,以先進技術從大豆或葵花籽提取。
3. 維他命E,天然的抗氧化物,協同進一步發揮護肝功效。
支肝健SPC因子(肝膦脂300mg、乳薊素100mg、維他命E 5mg)能發揮協同功效,具以下好處:
1. 為肝腦臟補充營養,幫助提升肝,腎和腦細胞的功能;
2. 促進肝腎健康,有效代謝脂肪及糖分並解毒;
3. 支持腦神經系統健康和認知功能;
4. 有助促進心血管健康;
5. 有助提升身體對抗頑毒能力,延緩衰老。
(Ref: 20 September 2016 European Medicines Agency EMA/HMPC/294188/2013 Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC))
( https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/hp/milk-thistle-pdq )
人體研究證實,PC具有保肝作用,對治酒精性肝脂肪變性,藥物引起的肝損害和肝炎等肝臟疾病有益。因此,確保足夠的PC水平對於促進肝臟健康至關重要。PC和膽鹼含量不足會導致VLDL分泌受損,從而導致肝臟中脂肪和膽固醇的積累。脂肪積累會觸發線粒體功能障礙,活性氧(ROS)生成,脂質過氧化,DNA損傷,發炎,肝細胞凋亡。(Higdon J. Choline. Micronutrient Information Center, Linus Pauling Institute, 2015. Viewed 27 Oct 2016. )
– 減輕發炎
– 減少損害肝臟的酶
– 保護肝臟免受化學毒素和藥物的影響
– 減少肝臟中的脂肪積累
– 減少活性氧
– 改善肝損傷和纖維化
– 改善肝組織的結構和功能
( Altern Med Rev 2002; 7 (2):150-154, Na JY, Song K, Kim S, et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015; 460 (2):308-313.)
增加乳薊素的溶解度,同時保持其抗氧化性能以實現高生物利用度(Nutrients.2018 Aug 23; 10(9))。
改善肝酶,肝組織和胰島素抵抗,還保護胃和肝細胞免受氧化應激。 (Free Radic Biol Med 2012; 52(9):1658-65,Federico AIn Vivo 2015; 29(5):569-575。)
人體有超過70萬億個細胞,保持細胞健康很重要。 PC是所有細胞膜(包括腦細胞膜)和細胞器膜的主要磷脂。因此,PC是保持細胞佳健康的必需營養素,但我們可能無法從飲食中攝取足夠的PC或隨著年長丟失。如果沒有PC,細胞會老化得更快,並且無法發揮最佳功能。
支肝健可以補充細胞PC,幫助提升身體所有細胞的健康, 延長肝腦以致其他器官的壽命。
大腦約60%是脂肪。體內PC含量低會影響大腦。1998年美國醫學研究所確認膽鹼為必需的營養素。膽鹼用於神經遞質乙酰膽鹼的合成,以控制肌肉,晝夜節律,記憶和許多其他神經元功能。支肝健的PC是膽鹼的絕佳來源, 支肝健支持神經元膜的完整性,幫助神經遞質更有效地運作,有助於增強注意力,記憶力和注意力。
東芬蘭大學的研究《美國臨床營養雜誌》結果顯示,攝入磷脂酰膽鹼與癡呆症的風險降低有關。磷脂酰膽鹼也與提高認知能力有關。攝入量較高的男性患癡呆症的風險降低28%,他們的記憶力和語言能力測試也很出色。(Ref: Phosphatidylcholine monograph. Natural Medicines, 2015)
成人一般保健:每天一或兩次, 每次1粒